By Imam ibn al-Jawzi’s “Sifat al-Safwah” is an archetype of the egregious Divine who helped in the creation of Islamic history. In this brief discourse, we'll focus on the soul of the work in question, emphasizing its value to readers in general. Discovering "Sifat al-Safwah": Origin and Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, after being intoxicated by the book "Al-Hilyat al-Awliya" authored by al-Asbahani, decided to embark on the project of extracting and completing a similar book with the title "Sifat al-Safwah". This was his way of making it short and straightened out so that a brief and essential part of the history of the person they admired would be highlighted, and the excess details removed to be replaced by the details that were considered the most important. Pages 688

  • SKU: B-132

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