By Imam 'Abdul-'Aziz bin Baz All praise is for Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon Allah's Messenger, his family, his companions and whoever follows his way. And to proceed: We had the honour of our eyes being gifted with seeing his eminence Imām 'Abdul'Azeez bin Bāz - may Allah bestow upon him immense mercy - and of sitting with him when he delivered verdicts regarding rulings of the Sharee'ah for many medical issues which have been increasingly asked about by patients and people working in the medical field. We focused ourselves, with success granted by Allah, on the authenticity of medical information to the best of our ability. We have applied our best efforts in its presentation while simplifying it as much as possible. This is so that it is easily understood by those who are not specialists in medical fields. The first meeting with his eminence occurred in Riyadh in 28/11/1419 AH [15th March 1999 CE] and the other in Taif in 2/1/1420 AH [17th April 1999 CE]. We ask Allah that He causes it to be beneficial for everyone, and that He rewards our Sheikh, the Imam ibn Baz the best of rewards, and that He makes it a good deed in the scales of his good deeds. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. Pages 98

  • SKU: B-181

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