By Dr. 'Umar al-Ashqar Some people think that the issue of jinn, demons, and devils is one that should remain on the periphery of knowledge. They believe in going over this topic in the quickest of fashions and not giving it too much thought. Among Muslims, the important tenet of belief in jinn and devils is often forgotten. However, this is not an irrelevant matter. No price can be put on the importance of the texts of the Qur'an and authentic hadiths that have reached us, giving us knowledge of this matter. Dr. 'Umar al-Ashqar shows us how those texts uncover for us the secrets of these fellow-creatures: the world of the jinn. Adequate knowledge about their existence can help in our constant struggle to resist their influence. It will also help us in reaching the ultimate goal of creating the everlasting bond and closeness to Allah, the Beneficent, that we all seek. ISLAMIC CREED SERIES 1. Belief in Allah 2. The World of the Noble Angels 3. The World of the Jinn and Devils 4. The Messengers and the Messages 5. The Minor Resurrection (What happens after death) 6. The Day of Resurrection 7. Paradise and Hell 8. Divine Will and Predestination Pages 300

  • SKU: B-162

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