Books, Cards & Novelties

The objective of Jayyid Expressions is to present to it's patrons & supporters expressions, sentiments, advices & even admonishments that are devoid of the statements of shirk, kufr, innovation & sin.
I've personally on occasion shopped for a card or poem to convey my sentiments & feelings of love, affection and/or appreciation for a loved one; And I'd find a card or a poem that I'd like ~if only this one line or these few words weren't a part of it. Words of shirk, kufr or sin ruining the otherwise beautiful expressions of love, affection, advice or admonition. ~
So we are presenting you ~ our patrons & supporters with beautiful alternatives that are free from the aforementioned. Also with the objective of conveying the pure Islamic creed to present in the form of a gift that may aid in increasing love & affection between you & your loved one(s).
On the Authority of Ubay ibn Ka'b he said that the Messenger of Allahﷺ said: " Indeed from some poetry is Wisdom. " (Al-Bukhari)

  • Atlanta, Georgia, United States
  • 1445 Woodmont Ln NW #3502 Atlanta GA 30318
